Barbara Hero's Writings for Newspapers, Journals, Etc.
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These are some of Barbara's newspaper articles that were published in her locally-published York County Coast Star in Kennebunk, Maine in 2001 - 2003.
On the Effects of Music
Art as Therapy
The following philosophical articles are not necessarily directly related to the Lambdoma.
Shifts Consciousness
A Remarkable Person
Accessing our Inner Self
Manifesting our Dreams
Puppy Reality
Search for Spirituality
The Illusion
Where Were You
A Tetraharp Therapy appeared in Harp Therapy Journal, Spring 1999, reprinted with permission on the TETRAHARP WEB PAGE.
Download all the above articles as a PDF (31 pages).
Design in nature from Pythagoras to Helmholtz to the Cantor musical array*, Design and Nature: Comparing Design in Nature with Science and Engineering, C.A. Brebbia, L. Sucharov & P. Pascolo, editors, Wessex Institute of Technology Press, Southampton, Boston, 2002.
Eight color images relating to the wavelengths of music, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications: Harmonic Analysis and Tone Systems, Jan Haluska ed., vol. 23, 2001, Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
The Pythagorean System, the Tetractys, the X and the Lambdoma (download not available here), Ambiguity and Music, Jan Haluska, ed., Seminar Mathematics and Music Publ., Bratislava, 1999
Some Effects of Whole Number Ratio Intervals in Music (download not available here), Music in Human Adaptation, Dr. Daniel J. Schneck and Judith K. Schneck, editors, Virginia Tech, 1997.
Lambdoma Matrix and Harmonic Intervals: The Physiological and Psychological Effects on Human Adaptation from Combining Math and Music*, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol. 18 Number 2, March/April 1999, IEEE.
Integrative Music of the Lambdoma*, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, Official Journal of the Pavlovian Society, July-September 2000, Vol. 35 Number 3.
Please note that there are additional works on the RESEARCH page as well as on the International Lambdoma Research Institute and Strawberry Hill Farm Studio subdomains of this web site.