Lambdoma Art by Barbara Hero
came very easily to me as my mother, Lucile Evans, devoted most of her
life to painting. She was one of the early abstract painters in the 1940's.
Being exposed at an early age to the life of an artist and to the philosophical
ideas of her artist friends made it inevitable that I would paint in the
abstract vein. I took life drawing classes while still a child, and later
received a BA in commercial art from George Washington University. After
spending fifteen years as a painter, and piano lessons from five years
of age to twelve that implanted a love for music in my consciousness. The
next step was to find a link in the chain between art and music. A restudy
of piano, music theory and composition from the New England Conservatory
of Music led me to the discovery that the mathematics of whole number ratios
was the bridge between proportions- in-art and harmony-in-music. A mathematical
matrix, attributed to Pythagoras, identified as the Lambdoma Array became
my focus from that time in 1970 until the present. This two-dimensional
Lambdoma-matrix made up of ratios related to musical intervals made it
a simple task to color-code the musical notes according to Pythagoras'
system. The grid-like patterns resulting from this color-coding opened
up another avenue of discovery relating to Alice Bailey's seven ray theories.
The grids could become circular as well as rectilinear, which in turn opened
up other possibilities from cubical to spherical figures.
Lambdoma Candle
unique Lambdoma candle, shown in the drawing, is a handmade 3 dimensional
representation of the Lambdoma matrix which is one of the keys to the physical
and spiritual laws which govern all relationships. It represents, in three
dimensions, the nature of our universe. With this candle, lit or unlit,
one can meditate on the etheric dimensions of its energy. By virtue of
the harmonic resonances and mathematical beauty the Lambdoma candle aids
us in raising our consciousness. Beginning with a meditative state, each
candle is custom poured from a mix of beeswax, paraffin and color. These
one of a kind candles are created in colors that range from tiered mixtures
to a solid uni-color.
Item C1 (Wax Candle 5.25" by 5.25" by 2") PRICE: US$27
Barbara Hero while wearing many hats, artist, musician, mathematician and
philosopher, has over the years produced many works of art. Most of the
illustrations in this catalogue are reproductions of art by Barbara Hero.
Strawberry Hill Farm Studios maintains a Gallery of her works and is open
by appointment to those interested in viewing or purchasing originals.
The works include acrylics, ink and wax. There are hundreds of original
paintings and drawings, on canvas and paper, based upon the wisdom encoded
in the Lambdoma. Almost all of the drawings included in the book "Eyes
+ Ears = Ideas" are still in the possession of the artist and would be
available for exhibition or purchase. Barbara Hero has had several solo
exhibitions in Massachusetts, Washington, D.C., New Hampshire, and New
York City. Her art has been included in selective group exhibitions, in
Museums of Art and Art Galleries, and her work is included in several Public
Solo Exhibitions:
1974 - "Stop and Think" - Max Protetch Gallery, Washington , D.C.
1973 - "In honor of Copernicus" - Notre Dame College, Manchester, New Hampshire.
1973 - "Barbara Hero" - Keating Gallery, Brooks School, North Andover,
1969 - "Barbara Ferrell-Hero" - Adelaide Ungerland Gallery, New York City,
New York. (Illustrations of White River Series #17 in The Art Gallery Magazine).
1967 - "Barbara Hero" - Eleanor Rigelhoupt Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts.
Selected Group Exhibitions:
1992 - "Yesterday and Tomorrow: Mind Paths in Painting" - Exhibit of paintings
by mother and daughter, Lucile Evans and Barbara Hero, Schlesinger Library,
Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
1984 - 1985 - "Music to My eyes: Six Artists and the Visual Score" - Pyramid
Gallery, Pyramid Art Center, Rochester New York.
1981 - "Prison Art Project" (Exhibition of Artist Instructors) - Harcus-Krakow,
Boston, Massachusetts.
1979 - 1980 - "Artists and Books, The Literal Use of Time", "Eyes
& Ears = Ideas" - Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Wichita,
1976 - Franklin Furnace, New York City, New York
1973 - National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington, D.C.
1972-1973 - "Salon 1972 - 1973" - Ward-Nasse Gallery, New York City, New
1972 - Lamont Gallery, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exter, New Hampshire.
1971 - Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
1971 - "Boston Visual Artists Union" - City Hall, Boston, Massachusetts.
1970 - "Institute of Contemporary Art" - City Hall, Boston, Massachusetts.
1970 - "World of Their Own" - University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts.
1969 - "NEREM (Art Technology Inc.)" - War <Memorial Auditorium, Boston,
1966 - "161st Annual Exhibit of American Painting and Sculpture" - Pennsylvania
Academy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1961- Riverside Museum, Brooklyn, New York.
1960 - Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
1951 - "Lucile Evans and Barbara Ferrell", "Contemporary American Artists"
Series #10 - The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
to Barbara Hero
By Special Order Only!
Chakra Meditation Necklaces Each necklace represents an application of
a music theory based upon an ancient mathematical diagram attributed to
Pythagoras (500 BC) called the Lambdoma diagram, a formula which reveals
some universal laws. There are basically at least 8 energy centers in our
physical bodies. These energy centers are known as Chakras. Each Chakra
is represented by the color of the beads contained within that Chakra necklace.
On one side the overtone series in music is represented, an uplifting energy.
On the other side the undertone series in music is represented, a grounding.
Each bead is put on during a meditative state which sends and brings
love and healing energies to whomever wears the necklace. Each Chakra
necklace may be worn individually or nested with others.
Each Lambdoma
Necklace is hand crafted and assembled based upon the color and frequency
of the particular Chakra chosen. Lengths vary from 23 to 30 inches
depending upon the Chakra energy center chosen and upon the actual gemstones
(Item N1)
Crown Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this necklace
is magenta and its fundamental frequency is 480 Hertz and typical gemstones
are Amethyst and Pink Tourmaline. Its note is B
Item N1 (Crown Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow 4 to 6
weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N2)
3rd Eye Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this necklace
is purple and its fundamental frequency is 448 Hertz and typical gemstones
are Lapis and Sodalite. Its note is Bb.
Item N2 (3rd Eye Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow 4 to
6 weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N3)
Psychic Center Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this
necklace is Aqua and its fundamental frequency is 416 Hertz and a typical
gemstone is Turquoise. Its note is Ab.
Item N3 (Psychic Center Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow
4 to 6 weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N4)
Throat Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this necklace
is blue and its fundamental frequency is 384 Hertz and typical gemstones
are Celestite and Aquamarine. Its note is G.
Item N4 (Throat Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow 4 to 6
weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N5)
Heart Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this necklace
is green and its fundamental frequency is 352 Hertz and typical gemstones
are Aventurine, Malachite and Peridot. Its note is Gb.
Item N5 (Heart Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow 4 to 6
weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N6)
Solar Plexus Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this
necklace is yellow and its fundamental frequency is 320 Hertz and typical
gemstones are Citrine and Quartz. Its note is E.
Item N6 (Solar Plexus Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow
4 to 6 weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N7)
Polarity Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this necklace
is orange and its fundamental frequency is 288 Hertz and a typical gemstone
is Carnelian . Its note is D.
Item N7 (Polarity Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow 4 to
6 weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item N8)
Root Chakra Necklace The Chakra energy center color for this necklace
is red and its fundamental frequency is 256 Hertz and typical gemstones
are Rose Quartz, Garnet and Rhodonite. Its note is C.
Item N8 (Root Chakra Necklace) PRICE: US$100 - Allow 4 to 6 weeks
for construction and delivery!
The Scroll and Mandalla illustrations are still under construction
for this page but the following are available.
By Special Order Only!
Scrolls of Lambdoma Mandalas, Diagrams and Keyboards in Color Each Lambdoma
scroll is printed in full color and is produced with special software relating
the attributes of the matrix to the specific application. Each scroll is
then laminated, sealing the diagrams with plastic coating on each side.
Individual (8.5 by 6.5 inches) Lambdoma diagrams in color and laminated,
may be ordered using their individual titles and are $10 each. For specifics
of each scroll please see following pages! By special order only. Custom
laminated. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
(Item S1)
Scroll of 11 Mandalas Based on the Orbits and Spins of the Planets The
order, from the top, of the five planets and the moon, stands for the sequence
of six of the days of the week, Monday (moon) through Saturday (Saturn)
following through four more planets including Earth, the scroll completes
with the Sun (Sunday). The benefits of the Lambdoma Mandalas are: One can
meditate on them even without understanding them fully. They are color-coded
to correspond with the harmonics of the Lambdoma over-tone scale (P, Q,
R, S, T, U, V & W) and the Lambdoma undertone scale. The note P (C)
is red, Q (D) is orange, R (E) is yellow, S (F) is green, T (G) is blue,
U (Ab) is aqua, V (Bb) is purple and W (B) is magenta. The overtone series
is represented by going clockwise around the rim starting at 3:20 with
the middle slice of the three identical color slices. One can meditate
on the planets which were in your birth sign when you were born.
Item S1 (Laminated Scroll of 11 Color diagrams based on the frequencies
of the orbits and spins of the planets. Actual Size 5 FEET Plastic coated
on both sides.) PRICE: US$60 - Allow 4 to 6 weeks for construction
and delivery!
(Item S2
Scroll of 9 Lambdoma Diagrams Based on Physical Dimensions. These diagrams
were designed to benefit architects or interior designers to either construct
rooms that are harmonious in length, width and height, or to measure a
room and find the proper color to go with the harmonic of the wavelengths
based on the harmonics of music. The Lambdoma describes room resonances
by color-coding the harmonics of the dimensions of the room. The color-coding
of harmonics in this series is based on the colors which transmit energy
rather than those that absorb energy, so that the series becomes the note
P (C) for green, Q (D) for green blue, R (E) for blue, S (F) for violet,
T (G) for magenta, U (Ab) for peach, V (Bb) for gold and W (B) for yellow.
When the dimensions of a room are in complementary colors, that means that
the lengths are in harmony. The lengths are at the top of each entry in
the matrix. The frequencies of the sounds are below. Complementary colors
are Reds/Greens, Oranges/Blues and Yellows/Violets. These stand for the
complementary undertone notes P/S (C/F), Q/T (D/G) and R/U (E/A) or overtone
notes P/T (C/G), Q/U (D/A) and R/W (E/B).
Item S2 (Laminated Scroll of 9 Computer generated Lamdoma COLOR diagrams
based on the fundamental frequencies of physical dimensions. Actual Size
4.5 FEET Plastic coated on both sides.) PRICE: US$50 - Allow 4 to 6
weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item S3
Scroll of 8 Diagrams Based on the Lambdoma Keyboard This Mandala is
a model of a design in progress of an actual keyboard which assigns a fundamental
frequency of sound, represented by a given color to an entry in the 16
by 16 Lambdoma matrix. The shape of the matrix is in a diamond rather than
a square to facilitate the playing of the keyboard. The notes on the keyboard
are named P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W to distinguish them from the notes
on the diatonic scale. The matrix with the color red is the P fundamental.
Q is orange, R is yellow, S is green, T is blue, U is aqua, V is violet
blue, and W is magenta45
Item S3 (Laminated Scroll of 9 Computer generated Lamdoma COLOR diagrams
based on the fundamental frequencies of the Lambdoma Keyboard. Actual Size
4.5 FEET Plastic coated on both sides.) PRICE: US$50 - Allow 4 to 6
weeks for construction and delivery!
(Item S4
Scroll of 8 Mandalas Based on Chakras This set of Lambdoma Chakra Mandalas
depict the eight major Chakras. From the top down they read: Crown, Third
Eye, Psychic Center, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Polarity and Root. The
colors are magenta W (B), purple V (Bb), aqua U (Ab), blue T (G), green
S (F), yellow R (Eb), orange Q (D) and rose P (C). Some people have found
them energizing and have put them under their mattress or bed when sleeping.
Item S4 (Laminated Scroll of 8 Computer generated Lambdoma COLOR
diagrams based on the Chakra's of the human body. Actual Size 3.5 FEET
Plastic coated on both sides.) PRICE: US$45 - Allow 4 to 6 weeks for
construction and delivery!
(Item S5
Scroll of 7 Mandalas Based on Units of Time. These Mandalas show that
our units of time have different key notes by the color coding. For instance,
seconds, minutes, hours and years are roughly the same keynote Q (somewhat
like D on the diatonic scale) and the color orange. The fundamental for
the day and the month are both blue and the keynote T (somewhat like G
on the diatonic scale). These Mandalas are also good meditation devices.
Item S5 (Laminated Scroll of 7 Computer generated Circular Lambdoma
COLOR diagrams based on the units of time. Actual Size 3 FEET Plastic coated
on both sides.) PRICE: US$45 - Allow 4 to 6 weeks for construction
and delivery!
to top of Catalogue
Revised Nov. 29, 2002
Copyright © Barbara Hero 1996-