Expansion - contraction... point... or ...
segment, a line marked one to sixteen equal spaces makes a pattern... red, blue,
green, yellow, yellow orange, orange, orange... doubles and expands. To dark
red... Do... Sol... Fa... Mi... Mib... Re... Re... Do... Ti. A HARMONIC
SERIES... Planets... Venus... Earth... Mercury... Jupiter... Mars...
Asteroids... Saturn... Venus...
THE LIMITS OF EXPANSION... two thirds of Do is Sol... three fourths of
Do is Fa... four fifths of Do is Mi... five sixths of Do is Mi flat... there is
no six sevenths... seven eights of Do is Re... eight ninths of Do is Re... nine
tenths of Do is Re... then there is space... fifteen sixteenths of Do is Do
flat... from One to all worlds... to the milky way... to the sun... to the
planets... to the Earth... to the moon... to the ONE... three in one... the
beginning... the middle... the end.