Nine is the ancient symbol of God. Nine
circles were drawn overlapping at the center. Five is man according to ancient
Chines mysticism. At the firth circle, where numbers 5 and 6 join, a circle was
drawn tangent to the fourth and seventh circles. By taking the radius at
different heights of each circle we were able to construct a triangle which
seems to coincide with the proportions of Egyptian pyramids. By extending these
heights to the circular form in the middle where space is on one side, matter on
the other side, we then have a cross section of what appears to be types of
magnetic belts. When we plot these according to the system we have developed, we
find the stable notes falling on one side, the unstable notes on the other side.
We also when drawing orbits from these different points find three crests of
unequal placement on each side. If we think of these shapes as being convex and
positive, on one side, and concave and negative on the other side.... we might
have a picture of some of the workings of the universe...