PROGRESSION BY SQUARESEach note in the harmonic series progresses in its order by squares... From one square (DO) the progression continues five steps until it folds into a seed to its beginning... The red (DO) "one-square"... It then unfolds to three blue squares... The distance measured from the corner of the four red squares (dotted line) to number five on the vertical axis measures three squares... FA is measured by four squares... From the blue corner SOL to # seven... on the axis is 4 squares... MI yellow is 5 squares. From the corner of the blue square to #7 on the axis is five squares... There is no equivalent to the sixth square... on the axis... The folding-unfolding square of seven is equal to the distance from the green square corner to number seven... There is no correlation until one reaches the second fold... when from the yellow square MI one reaches nine on the axis... the equivalent to ELEVEN squares... The next, the I CHING of 12 squares, reaches #11 on the axis... There is no equivalent of #13 which becomes a folding in or the seed... In the seventh progression the LA folds under... (See illustration P-14)... leaving DO the seed... The eleventh square folds toward the center of the circle counter clockwise into eight equal sections... |