What Others Say about the PLHK by Barbara Hero

TRANSLATIONS ~ English to: Translations to Traditional or Simplified Chinese

About the Lambdoma Keyboard

At its public exposure in October 1994

I was present at the demonstration, and can attest to the delight with which the small instrument and its attendant hardware were received. The significance of the invention is great. To the nascent sound therapy community, it represents a way to ground and explain our intuitive work in comprehensible visual symbols, and to experiment with the effects of specific frequencies in healing. To musicians and visual artists, it opens a new field of expression that crosses the boundaries between sight and sound. In the best tradition of the ancient adepts, she is helping to bridge the gap between the metaphysical and physical sciences.

Marcia Jenneth Epstein, Ph.D, Resounding the Bodymind, Pioneers in Sound Therapy 1, Ascending Times, March, 1995, P. 28


Changes States of Consciousness

"From my point of view, the deepest level of therapeutic sound relates to changes in states of consciousness, which, in turn, can affect the physical level. By changes of states of consciousness I mean the altering of brain wave states to achieve a much deeper level of perception of what reality is. Your keyboard, through the perfection of the intervals as revealed in the overtone series, has the capacity to alter such states of consciousness thereby accessing the higher levels of mind wherein lie the seeds of our potential. In the altering of the brain wave patterns a person can move into dreamlike states where definitive changes in character for the better can take place. As the intervals sounded are part of Nature and inherent in our structure, it follows that they sympathetically resonate within and effect such changes."

James D'Angelo, Ph.D. !Educator, Composer, Workshop Leader and Author of: Healing with the Voice, Creating Harmony through the Power of Sound.


Will Aid in a Therapeutic Setting

"The 'pure' tones of the Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard, realized as a 'whole', mirror the pattern of Life in 'all' of its intricacies including: tone and light, solids, liquids and gasses, organic and inorganic, thought and action, space and time; in essence, Universe!

By tuning into the Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard's tonal centers and their surrounding tones: we become more aware of our inner beauty, hearing strains of life eternal. Even at the scale of an 8x8 Lambdoma, the Harmonic Keyboard allows us to become initiated into the power aspects of its structure. According to Hans Kayser a 6x6 Lambdoma contains all the necessary intervals for practical Harmonic observation and healing. As the Lambdoma infinitely interweaves the series of overtones and undertones no stone is left unturned in its wake. Every proportion of both the macro and micro scale is represented in its unfathomable expanse. By observation we can note that the Lambdoma expands infinitely on two sides. The other two sides of its structure fall off into the unimaginable. The complete understanding of this is exactly what the sages deem enlightenment! Therefore the elusive mystic or spiritual aspects are evidenced in the two non-expanding Lambdoma faces. In this mystic reality one can imagine a non-existent Lambdoma mirroring its three-dimensional counterpart. This understanding and the law of octave transposition allow for spiritual encounters including healing. The four faces of the Lambdoma represent a Janus-face, yin/yang, light/dark, large/small, etc. These very same dichotomies are also present when only considering the solid Lambdoma with its two expanding faces. This is evidenced by examining the solid Lambdoma and noting that to one side of its diagonal all proportions are greater than one and on the other side less than one, hence the large/small, light/dark, yin/yang and any other inferences one may envision. In the hands of competent therapists and healers the Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard may be utilized for healing. Therapists who are familiar with pulse rates at various locations on the human anatomy and the rates of the body organs can apply an effective therapy. Prolonged listening to the various tones produced by the Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard in addition to tuned vibrating light and holding (haptic) or placing solid pieces of the Lambdoma on the affected anatomical part will aid in any therapeutic setting. In conclusion, Barbara Hero's Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard produces the sounds necessary for a solid Harmonic Therapy."

Drew Lesso ~ Composer and Translator of Hans Kaiser


Helpingto Bride the Gap between the Metaphysical and the Physical Sciences

"The significance of the invention is great. To the nascent sound therapy community, it represents a way to ground and explain our intuitive work in comprehensible visual symbols, and to experiment with the effects of specific frequencies in healing. To musicians and visual artists, it opens a new field of expression that crosses the boundaries between sight and sound. In the best tradition of the ancient adepts, she is helping to bridge the gap between the metaphysical and physical sciences".

Marcia Jenneth Epstein, Ph.D ~ Resounding the Bodymind, Pioneers in Sound Therapy 1, Ascending Times, March, 1995, P. 28