Pythagorean Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard Created by Barbara Hero
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"My dream was to realize the application of my theories in the health and musical domains. Recently I have accomplished a breakthrough in making the lambdoma a concrete instrument of healing and auditory pleasure. With the help of engineers, software programmers, musicians, and electronics manufacturers this dream has materialized in the Pythagorean Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard (PLHK)." Barbara Hero
Create concordant musical intervals with the harmonic keyboard add the magic of microtonal harmony to your life and projects tune into elegant solutions with the harmonic keyboard.
These keyboards are no longer available through However, you can sometimes find them used on Ebay or other reseller sites. You can, however, enjoy the Lambdoma sounds with software that is still offered.
Hundreds of these keyboards were manufactured in the 2000's and many are still in circulation. The header of each web page shows Barbara playing the keyboard. Here are their original specifications:
Four-Quadrant Keyboard
32” by 16” by 2” PC Compatible
Includes 2 overlays, and user's manual.
One-Quadrant Keyboard
17" by 9" by 1.5"
Includes 8 overlays, and user's manual.
Keyboard FAQs
The keyboards are no longer in production; however, occasionally second-hand keyboards are for sale on BBAY. At the tie of this update, the PC software is still available at Tune Smithy. The Tune Smithy software also has a full software emulation of the keyboard that does not require Barbara's physical device.
Barbara Hero's
Healing Lambdoma Music in
Downloadable MP3 format!
Keyboard Session Testimonial
I am a healer and a teacher of healing energy. I experienced a profound moment in my life where healing, music, and friendship all blended and became life altering. Barbara Hero invented, and created an instrument of healing that flows to the soul. I experienced the sounds of the Lambdoma pulse through my body.
The physical sensations were facinating as they went to areas within my body that had been expressing as discomfort. Then Barbara changed the mode and the sound traveled to my brain to alert my sore spots to begin to shake loose. As the sounds faded, the energy in the sore spots would turn to a wave of release. My body seem to crave more vibration and my mind relaxed into peace.
Barbara then asked me to pick the chords. Picking the cords myself was powerful and when they were played, I felt it in my heart center.
I released what may have been years of emotional stress. Barbara asked me what word came into my mind. All I could hear was the word "Faith". As Barbara had me pick from each mode I became one with the process of healing and sound.
This was a loving and freeing experience that will become a special part of my soul's journey.
Thank you Barbara, I love you. Rev. Cyndy Mayer
Based on early prototypes of this revolutionary instrument we have demonstrated its unique effects on human well-being and musico-spiritual evolution. Articles and testimonials from well-known authors on sound healing, microtonal composers, and university professors are available upon request.
You can download The Lambdoma matrix and harmonic intervals, B. Hero and R. Foulkrod, IEEE Engineering, Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol 18, pp. 1999. You may access several other articles on the Lambdoma and its relation to this instrument by searching keyword: "Lambdoma".
Players of these keyboards have experienced increased physical comfort and spiritual awareness within which they were able to learn answers to their questions including their life's purpose and how to become more spiritually aware. The diamond-shaped Keyboard, with 64 keys, produces harmonic stereo intervals, with the second tone relating to the player's chosen fundamental, based upon the whole-number ratios of the Lambdoma Matrix.
When accompanied by a PC (not included) the keyboard may used as a device for sound therapy, musical composition and performance. The keyboard is fully software programmable and is both DOS/Windows and Amiga compatible. Additional software will be available for programming the midi interface.
The PLHK is a physiological and psychological tool for therapists.
The electronic circuit of the PLHK is based upon a harmonic array of ratios.
THE PLHK KEYBOARD has the unique capability of sounding any musical interval in a matrix of harmonic frequencies in the audible range. Its diamond-shaped matrix holds 64 keys in one quadrant. A total of 256 keys in any microtonal keynote may be played. Each keynote produces harmonic stereo intervals relating to the player's chosen keynote. Overlays of the three other quadrants in colors and frequencies of the musical notes (in a C scale) are included. Since another set of overlays of the intervals are based upon geometrical ratios, the shapes of the musical intervals may be seen as the keys are pushed. A user's manual is included on both a CD and on a floppy disk.
THERAPISTS and clinics will find that many clients playing the keyboard show stress reduction, access to their inner self, balancing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and relief of pain. Over two hundred and fifty players of these keyboards have experienced increased physical comfort and spiritual awareness within which they were able to learn answers to their questions including their life's purpose.
MUSICIANS will have the ability to play microtonal music in real time and experience harmonic and sub-harmonic interval sounds. A midi software program "Fractal Tune Smithy /Lambdoma" composed especially for the Lambdoma Keyboard enhances the musical capabilities of the keyboard.
Operating Instructions PDF
User's Manual PDF
Lambdoma-Midi-Keyboard-Setup (newer keyboards) PDF
Lambdoma-Com-Ports-Keyboard-Setup (older keyboards) PDF
For a brief introduction to the keyboard written by Dan Shaw go to A brief introduction to the Lambdoma Keyboard.