Lambdoma by Barbara Hero
TRANSLATIONS ~ English to: 
This is a memorial version of the website Barbara Hero created in the early 2000's, highlighting her Lambdoma and related works. Barbara passed on Aug 9, 2021, yet is very much still with us on this website. Here you'll get a glimpse of Barbara's knowledge, vision, creativity and passion for helping others.
In order to continue her legacy of giving, all of the Labmdoma healing titles, books, and music previously offered for sale are now offered free of charge. ツ HOWEVER, all content on these webpages are copyrighted.
Thus, we expect you to acknowledge, cite, include "Barbara Hero and" if you use any of her materials for your own publication and/or other products. If you DO NO agree to these credit/citation requirements on the works here or on any of the related Barbara Hero sites, do not copy or download any of the concepts, images, articles, etc.
“ There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
—Pythagoras 500BD

4-Quadrant Pythagorean Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard!
Inspired by Pythagoras' holistic system of music based on the Lambdoma matrix, the Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard was conceived by Barbara in the 1990's. Barbara created a prototype of the keyboard with the help of mechanical engineer Robert Foulkrod and electronic designer Dick Lord. Three successive generations of the electronic keyboard were introduced over that decade that included updates of the circuit board, a MIDI output port, and ports for volume and sustain pedals. The third generation 4-quadrant keyboard, shown in the figure above, has 256 keys laid out over the surface of a 32" by 16" by 2'' metal case.
The Lambdoma Keyboard was sold with two celluloid overlays and a user&pos;s manual. The keyboard required a personal computer running special software (Tune Smithy) to function.
Hundreds of these keyboards were manufactured in the 2000's and many are still in circulation. The keyboards are no longer in production; however, occasionally second-hand keyboards are for sale on BBAY. At the tie of this update, the PC software is still available at Tune Smithy. The Tune Smithy software also has a full software emulation of the keyboard that does not require Barbara's physical device.
Details on the history of the Lambdoma Harmonic Keyboard, along with documentation and technical manuals are on this KEYBOARD page. For a brief introduction to the keyboard written by Dan Shaw go to A brief introduction to the Lambdoma Keyboard.
Lambdoma Music by Dave Thomson
Explore Barbara's Lambdoma Sounds
Pythagoras' Lambdoma Matrix: the basis for the Lambdoma THe Lambdoma Keyboard
The Lambdoma Matrix is attributed to the philosopher Pythagoras (500 bc) who spent over twenty years as an Egyptian initiate. The concept of the Lambdoma Matrix in the present age is relatively unknown, and is not cited in most dictionaries. On the surface, it appears to be nothing more than a mathematical multiplication and division table.
On a closer look however, it bears a one-to-one relationship to musical intervals in a very specific harmonic series. Because of its numerical framework of ratios, it can be translated into frequencies of audible sound. The Lambdoma bears relationships to aromatics, chemistry, crystallography, cybernetics, art, music, geometry, all of which may be explored by those interested in the above disciplines. The Lambdoma bears mathematical relationships to Issac Newton, the Diophantine equations and the Farey series, as well as in the present century to Georg Cantor.
A client testimonial is included on the Keyboard page.
Lambdoma Research Collection I
The Music of Foods, Glands, Colors, Minerals and Vitamins; The Hindu Cosmological Number; Isotope Frequencies Based upon the Lambdoma; Comparison of Frequencies on a Piano to Lambdoma Reference Octaves; The Musical Revolutions of Time, Frequency, Note & Color, much more.
Articles by Barbara
On the Effects of Music; Art as Therapy; Shifts Consciousness; A Remarkable Person; Accessing our Inner Self; Belief; Manifesting our Dreams, much more.
The book "Eyes + Ears = Ideas"
International Harmony Based Upon a Music of Planetary Grid Systems: The International Lambdoma Research Institute and Barbara Hero invite you to also visit the Strawberry Hill Farm Studios web site, where Lambdoma related products are available, and the International Lambdoma Research Institute's web site where continuing research is presented.